Video Records as Viewpoints |
Video is an important authoring medium for people to "voice" their ideas.
What would different students in the class highlight in their experience if they had video to "DIVE" into and comment on?
DIVER concept: point-of-view authoring of dynamic pathways within videorecords
There is a fundamental need for learners to be able to fluidly use video as a medium to focus in and comment on specific real-world phenomena.
We have lacked tools for simply capturing and sharing one's viewpoints on videorecords.
Such focusing and annotation capabilities are essential to enable what we call "guided noticing" in learning and teaching (Pea et al., 2004; Pea 2006).
Video perspectives have always been important in film-making, and research projects such as Ricki Goldman's work on Learning Constellations highlighted how learners could contribute their points of view on video of events in their environments.
Goldman-Segall, R. (1991). Learning Constellations: A multi-media ethnographic research tool. In I. Harel (Ed.), Constructionism, Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishers, pp. 467-496.
Pea, R., Mills, M., Rosen, J., Dauber, K., Effelsberg, W., & Hoffert. E. (2004, Jan-March). The DIVER Project: Interactive Digital Video Repurposing. IEEE Multimedia, 11(1), 54-61.
Pea, R. D. (2006). Video-as-data and digital video manipulation techniques for transforming learning sciences research, education and other cultural practices. In J. Weiss, J. Nolan & P. Trifonas (Eds.), International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments (pp. 1321-1393). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishing.