What is DIVER?
How does DIVER work?
    Overview of DIVER system
DIVER's theory of design  
DIVER in action  
DIVER's design directions  
Panoramic video camera  
Panoramic video recording
Who will use DIVER?
What makes DIVER different?
Who is the DIVER team?
Contact US
    DIVER in Action

Click on the blue links below to view a few examples of DIVER in action during the exploration of a panoramic movie.
(Please make sure your sound volume is turned up)

Sound Zones
Moving the virtual camera window across the scene allows the user to focus on different visual and auditory details.

Path Movies
Recording a "path" movie. The user presses the record button and pans and zooms on events of interest.

The user enters an annotation in the panel for the path movie just recorded.

Double-clicking on a thumbnail allows the user to view the path movie in its own window.

Grouping Clips
The user can create composited or grouped clips bringing together events recorded at different times and spatial locations.