Panoramic Video Recording |
DIVER is exploring panoramic video capture using a camera made by Fullview.
Each of 5 hi-resolution cameras views five overlapping scene regions reflected off planar mirrors.
Outputs 5 s-video signals to Camera Control Unit.
Distribution amps split each video signal to:
1. Computing engine (on board frame grabbers) takes in analog s-video in to create real-time "stitched" digital panoramic preview image.
2. The VTRs record the S-video to digital videotape (A/D converstion, S-video to DV).
Why record 5 video streams on tape?
Real-time preview display is already a producing a stitched together panorama. Why not use it?
Live panoramic preview is greatly reduced resolution image
Poor frame rate; not optimized for high resolution recording
Hence, record 5 streams to separate VTRs. |